Trolley Problem Game

How to play the Trolley Problem?

What is the goal?

To let the tram smoothly reach the exit without hurting anyone.

How to operate?

Click Track: Switch or rotate the track, which can change the connection mode.

Stopwatch: Cost 20 gold coins to pause one minute, allowing players to think.

About Trolley Problem

What is the Trolley Problem?

The Trolley Problem is a well-known thought experiment in the field of ethics. A madman has tied five people to a trolley track, and an out-of-control trolley is hurtling towards them. In front of you, there is a lever. You can pull the lever to make the trolley turn onto another track. However, there is also a person tied to that other track. In such a situation, should you pull the lever?

Does this game also include ethical multiple-choice questions?

No, this game is just an online casual puzzle game designed with the Trolley Problem as its theme. You just need to switch the tracks, avoid the crowds on the tracks, and make the trolley smoothly reach the destination. Please enjoy these puzzles with ease.

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